Since I'm sure you are intrigued let me fill you in.
I was minding my own business (well as much as usual I suppose) and I got a text from someone telling me there was a rumor at my church that I had to be put on bedrest. Of course when asked no one gives an actual PERSON they heard this from. And not a single one of those people has called to check and find out if I am indeed on bedrest. Just circulating information bound to spread, and I have no idea where it came from. Perhaps it is because I've been gone the last few weeks from services due to a sick kid, going to STL to buy our van and then a quick family vacation this last weekend. Maybe people think I am on bedrest because they have all predicted I wouldn't make it through the summer without being on bedrest so it MUST be the case. Or maybe it is my own fault for posting last week about "The Slowdown" and referencing the words "bedrest" (Oh, the horror!) but in NO way implying I was actually going on it....just in general talking about taking care of myself and giving in to the gradual slow down that my body was making me do.
To all concerned, please take note: I really am FINE! Better than fine, if I may say. The doctors are beyond pleased with how things are going. I am very healthy, not swelling at all, babies doing great, active as I can and should be but not too much, and just about the best possible scenario at this point in my twin pregnancy. No bedrest for me right now, thank you very much.
Now, this conversation inevitably leads to the discussion and opinion of most about how I am doing too much. I don't know how to answer this question. If you knew my crazy stressful "normal" life and then saw a picture of me now in sweats with my feet propped up for hours every night you really wouldn't think that. Pretty much all I do in a given day is make it through work happy and moderately peppy, come home tired (which I am even on non-work days just because it is exhausting sometimes to be cooking two babies) and spend a small amount of time interacting with my family before propping my feet up for the remainder of the evening. I am taking it easy more than I ever have in my entire life. LAZY BUM Carrie, for real! Just ask Ben. HA!
Yes, I am still working. I have to work. It is my sanity and my professional life. It is a main source of income for our household. It is not an option for me NOT to work. IF (and this is NOT the case, just hypothetical) I had to go on bedrest at some point, I have already arranged with my work to have projects to work on remotely. So I'm not going to stop working as long as I have access to a laptop and I'm lucid. That's just reality for me and frankly, I am just plain tired of getting grief about it. (No offense to anyone who has the opinion that I should just stop everything but that is not realistic nor would it do my body any good, honestly). These babies are healthier because I am a healthy and active person. Truth!
Whew. Sorry if you are reading this and something I said or did or implied made you think I was not doing well. Totally not my intent. I really am FINE! See here - happy healthy me last week at 21 weeks (with ankles and ready for the work day)! I'm at 22 weeks tomorrow and the race is on. Three more months to go. :)
(Disclaimer: I really do LOVE all my family, friends and even those who are concerned about me enough to talk about me or express their concern with others when they hear something "somewhere" about me being on bedrest or having some other issue. I know this is one of those things that people cannot help themselves from talking about. I really do appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. Please keep them coming. And I will try to do a better job of reassuring everyone that I am doing well and there's no cause for concern at this point...and I promise the next post will be a fun and filtered recount of the baby room decor or something equally exciting.)
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