Monday, May 2, 2011

The Bombshell

Well, folks. Here it is. When I do something, I certainly give it my 110% percent. :) I'm pregnant. Not just that. It's two. That's right. TWO. For reals.

Okay, so I know you want the story.

We have an awesome three year old son, Samuel. It took us just over a year to get pregnant with him. All natural but still a long and trying journey. A few years later we decided we'd like to add to our brood. Well, actually, more like I begged my husband to try again because I didn't want Sam to be an only child. We were seeing too much "I am the center of the universe" behavior. Sam is a really awesome kid, and we were both excited about trying for another. Fast forward over a year and nothing is happening. Notta, no baby. I went to the doctor and he told me he didn't feel comfortable giving me fertility meds because of my body size. (Let me add here in case you didn't know - I am short. Not just a little short but really short. 4'11''). Doc said he felt best to not risk multiples because it would be hard on my body. (Go figure!)

So anyway, feeling down the last 6 months because all our "planning, charting, tracking, etc" just wasn't doing the trick. Now almost a year and half and no baby. Then, you know the game. I gave up trying and voila I'm pregnant. Yay, happy dance! Pee stick shows 2 lines, I call the doc, they give me an appointment in 5 weeks. YIKES. Long time to wait. Lo and behold I start feeling crappy, super tired and just really blah. Backaches and moodiness and extreme hunger. Just really opposite symptoms of when I was pregnant with Sam.

And we wait. And suffer through each day while I try to appear like I am my normal bubbly and energetic self at work....even though I'm getting waves of nausea like crazy. But I make it through, day by day, week by week.

And finally here we are. Doctor day! I'm 9 weeks along and so nervous this morning - worried that maybe I'm dreaming and that pee stick 5 weeks ago wasn't reality. Worried that something's happened and I will be getting bad news at the doctor (hahaha so little did I know)!

Husband meets me there and we are ushered in without a wait. What an excellent start to the appointment! I'm huffing and puffing from racing behind the nurse down the hallway. Stressed and nervous, blood pressure a little off, just feeling kind of overwhelmed. Doc comes in and happily chats for 15 minutes about our new condition. We discuss due date: December 6 by the way. We discuss VBAC vs. Cesarean. We discuss what not to do or eat or breathe, etc. The standard. He asks me about symptoms and concerns. I explain that I've been crazy tired and really much more sick that I was with Sam. I also told him I feel like my stomach is bigger than I was at this point. He assures me all is normal and it is good. Fast forward to small in-room ultrasound. Yay we see the baby. So detailed and the heartbeat is pumping away. Sigh of relief!!! Then, the doc goes quiet for a few minutes. He's moving the ultrasound and we see....something....else? He tells us, "I don't want to freak you out....but I need to look at this for a minute." I look at the husband and back at the screen thinking, OMG. Seriously. Then, he says it. "Well, you see that blob right...there? That's....a heartbeat. Another one." WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure that I groaned and covered my eyes with my hands. Husband laughed. Then I laughed. Doc said the ultrasound machine wasn't very high quality and he wanted me to get a full ultrasound today so we'd know for sure....uh....whoa....what? Doc wraps up the appointment with a quick exam and says, "Well that explains it. Your uterus is measuring way bigger than 9 weeks." I'm pretty sure the only thing we really said to the doctor was, "What does this mean?" What I meant by that was (all at once): Will I be able to exercise? How much weight am I going to gain? How am I going to work and have twins? How are we going to pay for twins? ARE YOU SERIOUS??????

From here it gets fuzzy. Doc leaves and I stumble around gathering my things, looking at each other in shock and just laughing. We shuffle out and head down to the ultrasound dept. Well actually we head to the elevator, go in and stand there. It dings and the doors open. We step out and realize we didn't press any floor so it just opened up right where we started. WOW. Talk about shock. Finally make it to ultrasound and the tech confirms. Baby 'A' and 'B' are alive and kicking. Both strong, both healthy. Measuring 9 weeks 4 days and the same heartbeat - 175. Got our pictures and just kept laughing.

We manage to finish somehow with the blood draws at the lab, etc before heading to the car and just beginning to register shock.

So that's it. Two beautiful, amazing miracles and a million questions.


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