Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Education

Kindergarten Clothes Shopping!!!
Motherhood, like many things, requires quick study.  You learn to change a diaper without getting peed on. You learn to be suspicious of silence. You learn to enjoy cold meals because the task of chopping, separating and dishing out food to various ages of children means that your plate is the last one touched. You learn the art of carrying a stroller, diaper bag, purse, water bottle and child all at once while smiling. You learn to tolerate more noise than you ever thought possible. And you learn patience.  Oh Lord, do you learn patience!
I expected some of these lessons. I embraced them as they came and commiserated with other mommies as we graduated one stage and moved on to the next fun thing to learn.  But today surprised me.  I got an education.  On boys.  (And yes, I know all you veteran moms will smile knowingly that my "education" is just beginning).  But still. 

Sam is starting kindergarten in 24 days.  I know, right?!?!  Doesn't seem possible that my long ago chubby-faced cutie is old enough to be going to SCHOOL.  For real.  But he is. 

To say that education was important to me growing up is simply an understatement.  Generations of educators fill my family tree.  My own mother served on the school board and personally handed me my high school diploma - a memory that I truly cherish.  I was taught at a very young age that no matter the subject matter or my learning style, the singular expectation for my education was that I try my best. No excuses. No misplaced blame on distracting friends or less-than-stellar teachers. Not allowed. I was supported, encouraged and assisted by loving family, but my personal drive is undoubtedly a result of the unwavering insistence upon education.

I loved school.  I struggled to find friends but seemed to eventually get along with everyone.  I worked my butt off in class.  I savored books from the greats and tried to understand math.  I missed a lot of school in my early years due to illness, and felt awkward when I got coke bottle glasses....and then later when I got boobs.  (No joke).  I was not outspoken.  Not particularly pretty or exceptionally intelligent.  But I loved to learn. 

As the days blazed by and summer came to an end, I eagerly awaited one thing.  Year after year one of my very favorite memories was back to school shopping: new clothes, new shoes and a perfect backpack filled with school supplies.

So, while my fellow mommies have been crying buckets at the prospect of sending their babies to the first day of school, secretly inside I couldn't WAIT to take Sam shopping. Sure, I got teary one day watching the Walmart crew setting up back to school displays in early July.  But finally, I was going to pass along a wonderful tradition to Sam. A love for school and an excitement for the back to school shopping day. I was thrilled!

After lunch in town today, my family scattered in various directions.  Sam and I ended up at Target for what I was certain would be the start of many amazing Mommy-Sam memories to fill the proverbial scrapbook.  We held hands and skipped into the store. SO excited.

(Let me interject here that I should have known this was not going to go as planned when Sam kept asking what cool things he got to buy besides clothes...) I kept telling him how excited I was and how much fun we were going to have.  Now that I am replaying the story in my head, he did ask a LOT of times what we were buying that I was so excited about...ha!

So into the store we go.  Happy and laughing and cash ready for the sale. 

To just get to it:  I do not have girls. And a teeny tiny part of me today died inside because of that fact.  There, I said it. Truthfully, I love my boys and rarely find myself wishing for a fleeting second that one of my little ones didn't have a Y chromosome. It's not that Sam doesn't like clothes. He does, actually!  But the picture in my mind of us holding up colors and styles, trying on sizes, and smiling together as we decided on that treasured "first day of school" outfit....just didn't happen. 

I do not have girls.  I have boys.

My crazy child had a blast.  He ran through the Target aisles and ran his hands over every single shirt.  When I held up options and sizes he literally giggled hysterically and said he either #1 thought they were gross.  Or #2 wanted "that one and that one and that one and that one..."  (But not really because he wanted it, just to make fun of me because I wanted him to pick.)  And on and on it went.  For a millisecond (every other minute) I was frustrated. I kept saying, "Sam, focus. We have to pick out some clothes for you." And every time he just shrieked with laughter.  In the fitting room to nail down the big boy sizes, he pranced around in his underwear and pulled off every pair of shorts I put on him while he made faces in the many mirrors. The most treasured thing he put in the cart was a $4 clearance Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle watch that I only conceeded to because I bargained with him to cooperate if I let him get something "special" that wasn't technically clothes. Stellar parenting, eh?

And so I got an education.  Boys do not care really.  About the outfit or the choice.  Yes, I convinced him to find a few things. But he really didn't care. And I can bet money that the twins will not either. Dreams crushed, here. 

I do not have girls.  I have boys.  And I fear this is just a small part of my education ahead.

As I drove away from Target feeling less excited and more than slightly disappointed that the reality didn't really live up to my hopes, I glanced back at my fun-loving, amazing kid and saw it.  The sparkle in his eye, the toothy grin.  He was still giggling. 

It wasn't what I thought or expected.  It didn't turn out the way I planned it in my mind.  But today we made a memory my boy won't forget. 

He may not share my love for selecting the perfect first day outfit, but this kiddo loves to learn and he loves life.  And that's really what it's all about.
Preschool Graduation Picture from May